Monday, February 12, 2007

Chapter Two: Resources

Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources

Resources can be separated into two categories - renewable resources and nonrenewable resources. Renewable resources can be used again and again and they don't run out. Essentially, these resources are available in unlimited supply, provided that we don't use too much of it too fast. In Vietnam, the main resources that can be put into this category are hydropower and forestry.

Nonrenewable resources, on the other hand, are available in limited supply. These are mainly minerals, such as (in the case of Vietnam) oil and coal.

In order to portray the issues that are connected to this country's resources, the articles on the "Resource Issues" page (link found above) provide facts on each specific resource as well as the problem that is associated with it.

Resource Distribution

It is not difficult to realize that in order for a country to manage its resources successfully, it must be clear how much of each resource there is available, and where that resource can be found. The areas that provide Vietnam with its most important resources are mentioned in articles in the "Resource Issues" page (link found above). However, this map shows the more rare and precious gemstones and minerals that can be found in Vietnam. Please click on the picture to see the enlarged version.